Want to realize your construction projects on a land of your choice? It must meet these different criteria.
The Conditions for Building Land
When planning a construction project, different factors must be taken into consideration.
The Physical Aspect of a Building Lot
At first glance, it must meet specific safety measures. First, analyze the geographical location of the land and its environment. Find out if there are any hazards on the site. Check if it is a flood zone, an area near the sea, and a stone valley space. In addition, some people require land near schools, shops, hospitals, and transportation. Others prefer a peripheral area, a place that is a little removed from the population.
After analyzing the location, move on to determining the quality of the soil. The soil must be stable to support the foundation of a building. To build a house, you must dig deep enough. The soil must be neither soft nor too hard because it will be tough to build a structure.
The budget for the construction depends on this check. Architects or topographers do this.
The Viability of the Land
Despite the desire to live in a remote location, do not forget to check whether the place is serviced by the water and electricity distribution network. Indeed, it is preferable to choose a serviced land. It already has everything you need to live comfortably, and the telephone connection and the water and electricity supply are available.
Legal Authorization
After examining the land, an administrative procedure is necessary before starting the project. Therefore, it is essential to go to the town hall office to request a legal permit. From there, you will be issued the urbanism certificate. This document indicates specific rules in force governing your municipality on the development of the land. It confirms your previous analysis in the form of an approval to build on the ground in question. Thus, your construction will be formal and meet the standards submitted by law.
From this explanation, some examples of non-constructible land are agricultural land, forest land, rice fields.
A Method To Make a Land Constructible
A non-buildable land is often devalued, and it is of little use to you. A land, as valuable as it is, should not be neglected. Add value to your property to allow for various benefits. Here are some methods to make your plot of land buildable.
Request for Revision of the PLU (Local Urbanism Plan)
This is a real headache because you are dealing with the authority. You will have to convince the mayor of the coherence of your project with the rules of development applicable in your commune. For this, look for irrefutable arguments to make your wish effective.
Take into account the risk factors mentioned above and provide innovative solutions to overcome them. Make the land ready for use if this is an issue for your construction. Make sure that your construction project is essential and that it does not present any risk to the environment. For example, if you see a house built near your plot, it goes without saying that the construction is feasible on that site.
Moreover, construction is possible thanks to various infrastructure techniques. It only requires a certain amount of money to do so. As an illustration, install the first floor of significant height above the ground to cope with possible flooding. A crawl space is essential for a wet lot, and it is used to raise the floor of a house. These are only examples. For more details, ask the architectural firm.
Back up your ideas with a real estate professional to guarantee your victory. Apply for a revision of the local urban plan.