Years ago, the garage was just a place where people threw old items or put their cars. Nowadays, homeowners are paying more and more attention to how they set up the garage. Surprisingly, those who are looking for a home to buy are spending more time also checking how the garage set up is and whether or not it will be functional for their needs. Some uses of a garage can be to store camping gear, sports equipment, books, and why as a play area. By adding some rugs or carpets and painting the walls or adding some windows, you can make the garage into a more lively place. Some people also turn the garage into an office space by installing some bright lights and adding windows. What style of garage do you own or would like to build among those described below?
Detached garage
A detached garage is a great option for you if your home doesn’t have a good access point for a garage door. It also can be built at any time after your house is built, which is a great way to save money and still get the garage that you have always wanted.
Attached garage
This style of garage is very popular and is generally built at the same time as the home. With these structures, you can be sure that your vehicle is safe and protected from bad weather or vandals. One of the reasons why homeowners prefer an attached garage is being able to use the garage without having to go outside in the dark or in bad weather since there’s usually a connecting door between the house and the garage. This style of garage is usually insulated to prevent heat loss in the winter.
Garage Workshop
This is the perfect option for a homeowner who loves to tinker on his or her vehicle or also for a mechanic who needs space to work. It generally has a number of bay doors that can be rolled up so that vehicles can be brought in and out easily and will also have regular access doors. If there is extra space in this workshop, then people will generally store other outdoor equipment or repair tools so that they are handy when working on a vehicle.
Garage with Upstairs Home
Perfect for the landowner who wants a home but is tied by constraints from local ordinances, a double garage on the main floor with living quarters above is a great way to utilize vertical space and still have a safe place to store your vehicle. These are incredibly efficient and cost-effective, making them a great choice for anyone who is looking for an affordable home.
Carports garage
A carport is an open garage with just a roof and no walls. It is helpful for protecting your vehicle from bad weather.
Portable Garages and Carports
The perfect option for the homeowner who needs to protect his or her vehicle or outdoor equipment but does not want to fully commit to a permanent garage, having a portable garage or carport will be a brilliant idea. This garage-style is quick to install, easy to clean when necessary, and strong enough to last due to its bolted-together brackets and triple-layer weaved fabric covers. This ensures that any tear will not immediately rip open and will not require expensive repairs. Moreover, it can withstand both heavy winds and snow, hence, keeping your vehicle and any other belongings stored inside safe.
Garage Barns
If you want the combination of a normal garage and extra storage space, then you should opt for a barn garage. This is because it gives you the required space that you need to store your belongings and will free up valuable storage space in your home that may otherwise be taken up by these items. Furthermore, optional walk-in doors make barn garages even more accessible and ensure that you can get in and out quickly without having to raise and lower the large door.
I lived without a garage earlier but now I have a nice looking one and I love it! When I park my car in it, I get easy access to my home without having to go out in the rain and cold. I also proudly use it for fun outdoor games and family gatherings! If you have a garage too or you want to build one, please let us know in the comments section below!
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