It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the wide range of concrete blends available to residential consumers. Understanding the whole host of other decisions you will have to make from choosing the best contractor (or doing it yourself) to what finishes would best suit your project, I am writing this post to try and help you make an informed decision you won’t have to worry about.
Start by looking around. Firstly, find a brand with a reputable name that fits your budget and sees if their range of blends has something geared towards your project. Secondly, remember that when shopping for concrete, you want a product that ensures two things:
- Durability
- Longevity
If these two factors are secured, you can rest assured knowing that any home construction project you undertake will be built to last – like every home construction project should!
Foundations, Driveways, Patios, RV Slabs, Sidewalks
Strength required: 4000+ psi (pounds per square inch)
When carrying out a big project like a driveway or foundation, ready-mix is typically employed. This makes it easier to pour an even layer of about 4 inches (for driveways, slabs, and sidewalks) and 8-10 inches for home foundations.
Garage Floors and Interior Floors
Strength required: 2500 – 4000+ psi
The minimum requirement for a floor is a 6-inch pour of concrete. This should be increased to 8 or 10 inches for surfaces that will face constant traffic from heavy loads. All you need to do now is build the frame and pour the concrete.
Indoor and Outdoor Countertops
Strength required: 5000 psi
Although a countertop doesn’t have to be thicker than 1.5 – 2 inches, it does require a reasonable amount of strength for durability. You can create thicker countertops for aesthetic purposes and may want to think about a concrete that you can style according to the décor in your kitchen. DIY Network also has an easy-to-follow guide you can use to make your own countertops.
Indoor and Outdoor Stairs
Strength required: 4000+ psi
A DIY stair project is going to require a lot more than an easy-to-follow guide. It will also require you to do a bunch of calculations and planning, from the style of the stairs you want to create to laying them on the correctly prepared surfaces. That is why the concrete you choose will have to truly display versatility and durability.