If not carried out correctly, the soil mechanics study could cause a building or home to collapse. In any work of modern architecture or engineering, be it homes or buildings, it is necessary and essential to carry out a soil investigation. The Soil Mechanics Study is a document signed by a recognized and accredited specialist in soil mechanics. It determines the ground’s resistance on which the buildings are placed, which serves as the basis for determining the type of foundation to use. The Soil Study or Geotechnical Study is part of the Soil Mechanics.
The soil study allows knowing the soil’s physical and mechanical properties and its stratigraphic composition, that is, the layers or strata of different characteristics that compose it in depth, and by a specific location of water tables (phreatic) if any.
The soil mechanics study generally consists of three stages:
- Exploration and field tests
- Laboratory tests
- Report making
Month after month, we see how construction companies build dozens of houses, buildings and residential towers. According to the standards established in the sector, urbanization or residential area where it is built, the total number of floors or the structure’s dimensions must have is estimated. You can build buildings up to a specific level in some areas, 15 floors, for example. In others, only 3, 4 or 5 levels are allowed. When building any tall building, a preliminary study of the ground is necessary, which is done to guarantee its stability. Nowadays, construction companies that design a house with one or two levels do not worry about making a preliminary study of the ground where it is built. That’s because it’s a work of little weight compared to a building, and the soil study is an expensive investment. From the moment we build a building with more than three levels, the Ministry of Public Works requires a previous study of the dream where it is built to see if it is safe or if it really guarantees the work’s stability.
Previously in many countries, it was built without taking these details into account, that is why we saw so many buildings in the process of declining. Safety first – A high-rise building needs a deep foundation; right where solid ground is. There are cases where the floor is composed of stones, such as coral, marble, and granite. In this case, this flooring type is ideal for constructing huge buildings since the stone bed guarantees more excellent stability of the work. From the moment we build a building with more than three levels, the Ministry of Public Works requires a previous study of the dream where it is constructed to see if it is safe or if it really guarantees the work’s stability. Previously in our country, it was built without taking these details into account, that is why we saw so many buildings in the process of declining.
Importance of the Soil Study
The soil study’s importance depends on the project’s type that you are going to carry out and its magnitude. With the soil study results, you can decide the kind of foundation to use and what depth you should cement. Depending on the type of soil, it is the soil bearing capacity (soil resistance), which can only be determined with the soil study.
Depending on the study, you will determine how much you will spend or how much you are going to save on foundations.
When it comes to buildings, with the study of soil mechanics, they determine the maximum load capacity that the terrain accepts and if it is sufficient due to the building’s overload. On the other hand, modern and updated technology has been established as the first requirement in the regulations that govern construction in the different municipalities, the realization of soil studies. My neighbour’s argument built this way is no longer valid, and I would say dangerous and uneconomic. The soil study’s impact on the total cost of a work is insignificant, so there are no reasons not to do it.
The soil study’s importance lies in the fact that it can be possible to design technically adequate and economic foundations. For example, when defining the foundation depth, the minimum volume of excavation and concrete is achieved. If there is no study of soil mechanics, the engineer decides to base at a greater depth due to uncertainty about the soil. The opposite case (found less depth than required) can result in excessive settlements that damage the structure.
Do you need experts for site investigation before construction in Melbourne? Contact the experts at mtaCONSULT.